Archive for the ‘Go Boston!!!’ Category

Lucky 13! To success!

A British pub just banned swearing. Can you imagine swearing being banned in American bars and pubs? Well, that’s just unAmerican!!!

Banning speech of any sort is censorship. People piss and moan about all sorts of divisive topics (yes, I wrote “piss”). Hell, all one needs to do is put on the television and see all the protests out there. Whatever people are screaming at each other about, I am sure that they are not using “polite” language.

It seems that every other word is “fuck” at these protests.

The point being is that free speech can not be limited as it should not be under the 1st Amendment. This ban is being tried at a pub in the U.K. Whether, it’s successful or not over there only time will tell.

Here in the good old U.S. of A this will never happen. “Give me liberty or give me death!”

Now you can all shut the fuck up and drink your Scotch like men or women!

FCC vs. Colbert

Posted: May 24, 2017 in My Opinion

Well, the FCC seems to have done right thing here. What happened to free speech? Public figures put themselves out there so they are subject to more scrutiny (or parody as is the case in this instance). It is funny how Conservatives whine about not being granted free speech. Yet, when they are in a position of power, they threaten to limit others who do not share their values. Look at how the FCC is attacking net neutrality.

Just the fact that that the FCC even considered taking action should give one pause. This gets me thinking about the movie “The People vs. Larry Flynt”. This was a case where the US Supreme Court ruled that public figures placed themselves in a position of more scrutiny and are subject to a different standard than other private citizens.

So, people in the current administration should lighten up because the more that you whine the most scorn (or parody will ensue) will ensue.

So, just grin and bare it.

Zy Marquiez writes a very good review of a book by Dr. Joseph Mercola. I have been a fan of Dr. Mercola for some time. He provides some very interesting insights on health that seem to go against “normal” medical convention. This will certainly be a future book purchase for me. The idea that some fats maybe beneficial offers hope to those of us who have struggled with weight issues in the past. It is all about making smart choices because as the saying goes:

You are what you eat!!!


TheBreakaway | BreakawayConciousness Zy Marquiez May 22, 2017 “The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” – Ann Wigmore “He who takes medicine and neglects diet wastes the skill of the physician.” – Chinese Proverb There are mainstream doctors, and there are […]

via Book Review: Fat For Fuel by Dr. Joseph Mercola | #SmartReads — TheBreakAway

Telling One’s Own Story

Posted: May 21, 2017 in My Opinion

This is a short article but I believe that it is a very important one to share since we all have a story to tell.

“Stories,” writes Lisa Katayama, “help us make sense of our world.”

via “What If People Could Tell Their Own Stories?” — Discover

Zombie Nation

Posted: May 13, 2017 in My Opinion

Social media has made us a nation of zombies. One just has to look at everybody carrying around their phones, tablets, laptops, or whatever. The fact is that we are all addicted to it. Like a drug, we all get a rush from anything that may (or not) show up on our devices.

Sure, social media is helpful for work purposes. You do not want to miss that email or text from the boss with your next assignment or berating for a poor job. It does help us to keep in touch with loved ones who may live a great distance away.

However, it does become intrusive. People no longer speak with one another anymore because they have become so absorbed in their gadgets. So, in some regards, social media is also separating ourselves than bringing us together. Talk about a dichotomy!

Let’s face it, some people would rather be engaged with their gadgets as opposed to having to speak with their children or significant other and vice versa. This seems especially true of teens. My daughter, who just turned four years-old, has an iPad where she watched her cartoons. Of course, it is a YouTube channel gear towards kids. However, when she starts watching the rest of the world can go to hell.  My wife and I have to sometimes scream at her to get her attention, that is how engrossed my daughter is with her programs.

Bill Maher had an interesting take on this on his recent New Rules segment. I agree with his assessment that social media, i.e. Facebook Google, et al, is the new drug out there just like cigarettes were an addiction in our parents generation (smoking is still an addiction but it seems as if the younger generations are smoking less).


This also go me to think to the days before social media. When kids would not be glued to the television playing video games and playing with their phones. No, kids would go outside and actually play! My friends and I would always meet up at the local field to play baseball or play hockey on the street in front of our homes. Yes, kids were actually active at one time.

Now… All they want to do is stay home and play the latest version of Call to Duty. Seriously? No wonder no one takes the younger generation seriously anymore. Along with all the advances in technology, humans have become more lethargic. So, it is no wonder why so many people are obese. That is story for another time.

The fact is that social media has turned us into the walking dead because like zombies it is eating away our brains. One can only imagine what George Romero would have come up with for this. Tech of the Living Dead perhaps.


Posted: December 20, 2015 in My Opinion

Probably because it is the Holiday Season, it is a time to think about what we have and appreciating it. What I am most grateful for is my wife, Andrea, and her endless love and support. There are many times I wonder why she stayed with me all these years (we just celebrated our 11-year wedding anniversary). Despite my shortcomings, she has stayed loyal to me and my endeavors. I love her more and more every day and with this comes my greatest gratitude.

I am also grateful for our daughter, Bianca. It is a true blessing watching her grow and develop into a her own person. It is my hope to instill good values and teach her how to appreciate the good things in life.

Let’s face it, the world is a mess with terrorism, murder, rape, destruction of the environment, and a bunch of other travesties which affect humanity. No, not all of these problems can be easily resolved. Yet, the effort should be made to improve things. The changes we want to be made have to start within ourselves because if we can not change ourselves, how can we expect to instill change in other areas.

The greatest way that one can start to change is to appreciate what they have. I, myself, have experienced much disappointment and disappointments in my life. Experiences that would have cost many others to just give up. Yet, I could not give up since I have my family relying on me. It is not easy but you need to put one foot in front of the other and carry on.

I am also grateful for having the opportunity to try and make things right. The chance to improve the lives of my  loved ones and to make an impact with the world in general.

Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Obama says cyber attacks from China ‘not acceptable’ via Yahoo News Digest

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Recent, events involving cyberhacking has shown that the new stage for warfare will be in cyberspace. The news is full of stories such as this where one nation launches a cyber attack on another nation’s system.

The United States and China are just one example (of course an exchange between the world’s two largest economies is going to garner the most attention). But how many other cyber attack exchanges occur between other countries? Russia? Iran? Japan? Israel? India? Pakistan?

The list can go on and on. The world wide web is truly the New Wild West.

Technology is constantly evolving which will lead to different types of cyber attacks and viruses. If there is one thing that Edward Snowden did bring to light is that nations are always looking for new ways to take out their competition.

Sadly, it is We, the People who are caught in the crossfire most of the time. But, that is topic for another time.

Just remember folks to practice safe cyber viewing and update your antivirus software regularly.